Unremembered Loss

Archive for January, 2010

Two main characters

by on Jan.15, 2010, under General

In Unremembered Loss there are two main characters, Annay and Hector.

When they are in the same scene Annay is always the point of view (POV) character. There are some scenes in which neither character is present, in which case someone else gets to pick up the story.

The story is a historical novel, where most of what happens in the story is based on journals that I have found. For Annay in particular I have included some of her journal entries in the book.

It has been challenging at times. I find myself wanting to write what the non-POV character is thinking and have to rethink how I’m going to show it rather than tell it.

As far as having two main POV characters, I think what makes it work for me is that they are both struggling, but they struggle in different ways. It is this contrasting that makes the two POV interesting and at the same time ties them together.

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