Issue 106 – A Big Milestone
by George Scribe on Jun.29, 2018, under General
This month’s newsletter marks a big milestone in my novel writing journey. Read all about it and then let me know what you think?
December 2015 Newsletter
by George Scribe on Dec.15, 2015, under General
Two months in a row now I’ve finished my newsletter in the middle of the month and before the major holiday.
Signup now so you won’t miss the next issue
This newsletter has some details about my novel, The Rise and Fall of the Human Race. It also has a Christmas story from the book. I hope you find both interesting.
If you think any of your friends might be interested in the novel or would enjoy the story; please forward this newsletter to them. I would love to get my subscription base into the triple digits and I can only do it with your help.
Merry Christmas to all,
Douglas Clarke
March Newsletter
by George Scribe on Mar.29, 2012, under General
The March newsletter is up. Read all about my new project and Faires.
January Newsletter is up
by George Scribe on Jan.29, 2012, under General
Happy New Year. The January newsletter is up and ready for you to read.
Talk with a publisher
by George Scribe on Oct.30, 2010, under General
I’ve got a phone call with a publisher today to talk about my novel. I visited there web site and answered a few questions about what I was looking for.
This publisher does Christian base novels and nonfiction works. They do both traditional and subsidized publishing. I’m guessing that he will be talking about the subsidized publishing, or maybe just services like editing.
I’ll post the results of the talk.
World Building
by George Scribe on May.25, 2010, under General
The May newsletter is done and posted. The topic this month is World Building, or how to make a place to tell your story in. Links to all of the news letters are below.
February Newsletter
by George Scribe on Mar.02, 2010, under General
The February newsletter was sent out this week. If your not on the list your can grab it here. The February newsletter is about my experience with writing journals and using journal entries in the novel.
Let me know what you think.
Two main characters
by George Scribe on Jan.15, 2010, under General
In Unremembered Loss there are two main characters, Annay and Hector.
When they are in the same scene Annay is always the point of view (POV) character. There are some scenes in which neither character is present, in which case someone else gets to pick up the story.
The story is a historical novel, where most of what happens in the story is based on journals that I have found. For Annay in particular I have included some of her journal entries in the book.
It has been challenging at times. I find myself wanting to write what the non-POV character is thinking and have to rethink how I’m going to show it rather than tell it.
As far as having two main POV characters, I think what makes it work for me is that they are both struggling, but they struggle in different ways. It is this contrasting that makes the two POV interesting and at the same time ties them together.
A New Life
by George Scribe on Dec.03, 2009, under General
Annay left home this week after reaching her 21st birthday.
She’s blogged about both her birthday and about looking for a new place to live. While she was feeling sorry fro herself, Hector convinced her to look past herself.
Julie’s Journal
by George Scribe on Oct.24, 2009, under Journals
One of the treasures I found while doing my research for the book was a Journal written by Julie the Scout. Her words have a genuine feel to them, You can feel her heart as she writes about nature, which she loves so much.
I have transcribed some of her entires for you to look at. Julie’s Ramblings.
As you read these entries keep in mind the wildness of the world she lives in. While there is always danger around, see if you can feel the same inner peace and confidence I have felt reading them.
Some of my favorite entries are her contemplative ones, where she looks at nature and tries to see her own life in its reflection.